Lithuania has accepted for restoration more than 1500 paintings and art objects from Ukrainian museums in the frontline areas Since the beginning...
Картини Казимира Малевича та Іллі Рєпіна з колекції Харківського художнього музею було внесено до Державного реєстру національного культурного на...
The paintings by Kazimir Malevich and Ilya Repin from the collection of the Kharkiv Art Museum were included in the State Register of National Cu...
2024 is the centenary year of the birth of Surrealism in the visual arts, literature and cinema. In Paris, the birthplace of Surrealism, an exhib...
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston will sell autographed copies and variations of works from its collection of Old Dutch and Flemish masters to fu...
The halls of the Kyiv National Art Gallery are hosting the intermuseum exhibition project "Under the Christmas Star". Scientists and gallery owne...
The international project "Ark" to preserve and protect Ukrainian culture and heritage from systematic destruction by Russian troops will launch ...
UNESCO and UNITAR / UNOSAT, together with the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications, will train Ukrainian archaeologists, restorers, e...
Modern museums, art galleries and exhibition spaces offer interesting art exhibitions. Frequent questions of visitors and art connoisseurs are wh...